Organic Waste: Biogas Terms Explained

The term 'organic waste' refers to any waste material that originates from a living organism, including plant and animal matter. This waste is often rich in carbon and other nutrients, making it an ideal source of energy when processed correctly. One of the most effective ways to harness this energy is through the production of biogas, a renewable source of energy that can be used for heating, electricity generation, and even as a vehicle fuel.

Biogas is produced through the process of anaerobic digestion, where organic waste is broken down by microorganisms in the absence of oxygen. This process not only generates a valuable source of renewable energy, but also helps to reduce the volume of waste that would otherwise end up in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution. In this glossary, we will explore the key terms and concepts related to organic waste and biogas production.

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that occurs when organic matter is broken down by bacteria in an environment without oxygen. This process is commonly used in waste management systems to treat organic waste materials, such as food waste, manure, and sewage sludge. The end products of anaerobic digestion are biogas and digestate, both of which can be used as valuable resources.

The process of anaerobic digestion is carried out in a specialized container known as a digester or bioreactor. Inside the digester, the organic waste is exposed to a specific group of bacteria, which break down the waste material and produce biogas and digestate. The biogas can be captured and used as a source of renewable energy, while the digestate can be used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

organic waste

Stages of Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion occurs in four main stages: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. During hydrolysis, complex organic molecules are broken down into simpler compounds by hydrolytic bacteria. In acidogenesis, these simpler compounds are further broken down into volatile fatty acids and alcohols. During acetogenesis, these products are converted into acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Finally, in methanogenesis, methanogenic bacteria convert these products into methane and carbon dioxide, which make up the majority of biogas.

Each stage of anaerobic digestion is carried out by a different group of bacteria, and each group requires specific environmental conditions to thrive. For example, methanogenic bacteria require a neutral pH and a temperature range of 30-40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the conditions inside the digester must be carefully controlled to ensure the efficient production of biogas.


Biogas is a type of biofuel that is naturally produced from the decomposition of organic waste. It is primarily composed of methane and carbon dioxide, with small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide. The exact composition of biogas can vary depending on the type of organic waste used and the conditions of the digestion process.

Biogas is a versatile energy source that can be used in a variety of applications. It can be burned directly for heating or cooking, or it can be used to generate electricity and heat in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Biogas can also be upgraded to biomethane, a renewable natural gas that can be injected into the gas grid or used as a vehicle fuel.

Biogas Upgrading

Biogas upgrading is the process of removing impurities and non-methane gases from raw biogas to produce biomethane, a high-quality renewable natural gas. The most common method of biogas upgrading is pressure swing adsorption, where carbon dioxide and other impurities are separated from the biogas under high pressure. Other methods include water scrubbing, chemical scrubbing, and membrane separation.

Biomethane produced through biogas upgrading can be used in the same applications as natural gas, including heating, electricity generation, and vehicle fuel. It can also be injected into the natural gas grid, providing a renewable alternative to fossil fuels. Biomethane has a higher energy content than raw biogas, making it a more efficient fuel source.


Digestate is the solid or liquid residual material that remains after the anaerobic digestion of organic waste. It is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it an excellent organic fertilizer. Digestate can be used in agriculture to improve soil fertility and crop yield, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Before it can be used as a fertilizer, digestate must be treated to reduce its odor and to kill any pathogens that may be present. This can be done through composting, drying, or pasteurization. The quality of digestate can vary depending on the type of organic waste used and the conditions of the digestion process.

Types of Digestate

There are two main types of digestate: solid and liquid. Solid digestate, also known as fiber, is the undigested organic material that remains after the digestion process. It has a high organic matter content and can be used as a soil conditioner or composted to produce a high-quality organic fertilizer.

Liquid digestate, also known as liquor, is the liquid fraction of the digestate. It is rich in nutrients and can be used as a liquid fertilizer or further processed to recover nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. Both types of digestate can be used to improve soil fertility and crop yield, contributing to sustainable agriculture.


A bioreactor, also known as a digester, is a container in which anaerobic digestion takes place. Bioreactors can vary in size and design, from small household units to large industrial facilities. They are typically designed to maintain the optimal conditions for the digestion process, including temperature, pH, and mixing.

Inside the bioreactor, the organic waste is mixed with water and bacteria to create a slurry. This slurry is then heated and agitated to encourage the bacteria to break down the organic material. The biogas produced during this process is captured and stored for later use, while the remaining digestate is removed and treated for use as a fertilizer.

Types of Bioreactors

There are several types of bioreactors used in biogas production, including batch reactors, continuous reactors, and semi-continuous reactors. Batch reactors are filled with organic waste and then sealed for the duration of the digestion process. Once the process is complete, the biogas is collected and the reactor is emptied and refilled.

Continuous reactors, on the other hand, are continuously fed with organic waste and produce biogas on a continuous basis. Semi-continuous reactors are a combination of the two, where organic waste is added and removed at regular intervals. The type of bioreactor used can depend on the scale of the operation and the type of organic waste being processed.


The term 'feedstock' refers to the organic waste material that is used in the production of biogas. This can include a wide range of materials, from food waste and manure to sewage sludge and agricultural residues. The type of feedstock used can have a significant impact on the quantity and quality of biogas produced.

Some types of feedstock, such as food waste and manure, are rich in easily digestible organic material and can produce high yields of biogas. Other types of feedstock, such as straw and wood chips, contain more complex organic material and require pre-treatment before they can be used in a biogas plant. The choice of feedstock can also affect the nutrient content of the resulting digestate.

Pre-treatment of Feedstock

Biogas waste

Pre-treatment is the process of preparing organic waste material for anaerobic digestion. This can involve a variety of processes, including size reduction, moisture adjustment, and chemical treatment. The goal of pre-treatment is to increase the accessibility of the organic material to the bacteria, improving the efficiency of the digestion process.

Size reduction involves grinding or shredding the organic waste to reduce its particle size. This increases the surface area of the material, making it easier for the bacteria to break it down. Moisture adjustment involves adding water to the organic waste to create a slurry that can be easily mixed and heated. Chemical treatment can involve the addition of enzymes or acids to break down complex organic molecules, making them more accessible to the bacteria.

Environmental Impact

The production of biogas from organic waste can have a significant positive impact on the environment. By diverting organic waste from landfills, biogas plants can reduce the emission of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The use of biogas as a renewable energy source can also reduce reliance on fossil fuels, helping to mitigate climate change.

Furthermore, the use of digestate as a fertilizer can improve soil health and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, which are often associated with environmental pollution. However, the production of biogas also has potential environmental risks, such as the release of pollutants during the digestion process and the potential for nutrient runoff from the use of digestate. Therefore, it is important to manage biogas plants responsibly to minimize their environmental impact.

Regulations and Standards

Due to the potential environmental impact of biogas production, it is subject to a variety of regulations and standards. These can include regulations on air and water quality, waste management, and health and safety. For example, biogas plants must comply with emission standards for pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide.

In addition, there are standards for the quality of biogas and digestate. For example, biogas must meet certain purity standards before it can be injected into the natural gas grid or used as a vehicle fuel. Digestate must also meet certain quality standards before it can be used as a fertilizer. These regulations and standards are designed to ensure the safe and sustainable production of biogas.


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