Biogas Upgrading: Biogas Terms Explained

The field of biogas production and upgrading is filled with a wide array of technical terms, each with its own specific meaning and context. This glossary aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed explanation of these terms, breaking down complex concepts into understandable language for the general audience. From anaerobic digestion to yield, this glossary will serve as a valuable resource for anyone interested in the world of biogas.

Biogas, a type of biofuel, is produced from the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. This process, known as anaerobic digestion, can occur naturally or in a controlled environment like a biogas plant. The resulting gas can be used directly for heating or electricity generation, or it can be upgraded to biomethane, a renewable substitute for natural gas.

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that occurs when microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen. This process is commonly used in waste management systems and for the production of biogas. The term "anaerobic" refers to the lack of oxygen, and "digestion" refers to the breakdown of organic matter by the microorganisms.

There are four key stages in the anaerobic digestion process: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. Each stage involves different types of microorganisms and results in the production of different by-products, including biogas.


The first stage of anaerobic digestion is hydrolysis. In this stage, complex organic materials, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, are broken down into simpler compounds by hydrolytic bacteria. This process is necessary because the microorganisms involved in the later stages of anaerobic digestion can only utilize simple compounds.

Hydrolysis is a critical step in the anaerobic digestion process. Without it, the complex organic materials would not be broken down, and the subsequent stages of anaerobic digestion would not occur. Therefore, the efficiency of hydrolysis can significantly impact the overall efficiency of the anaerobic digestion process.


Following hydrolysis, the next stage of anaerobic digestion is acidogenesis. During this stage, acidogenic bacteria convert the simple compounds into volatile fatty acids, alcohols, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. These products are then used by the microorganisms in the subsequent stages of anaerobic digestion.

Acidogenesis is a crucial stage in the anaerobic digestion process. The volatile fatty acids and other products produced during this stage are essential for the production of biogas in the later stages of anaerobic digestion. Therefore, the efficiency of acidogenesis can greatly affect the overall efficiency of the anaerobic digestion process.

Biogas Composition

Biogas is composed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide, with small amounts of other gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulfide. The exact composition of biogas can vary depending on the type of organic matter used and the conditions of the anaerobic digestion process.

Methane, the primary component of biogas, is a potent greenhouse gas. However, when it is captured and used as a fuel, it can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide, the other main component of biogas, is also a greenhouse gas, but it is not combustible and therefore does not contribute to the energy content of biogas.


Methane, the primary component of biogas, is a colorless, odorless gas that is lighter than air. It is highly combustible, making it an excellent source of energy. Methane is produced during the final stage of anaerobic digestion, known as methanogenesis.

While methane is a potent greenhouse gas, its capture and use as a fuel can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is because when methane is burned, it is converted into carbon dioxide, which is a less potent greenhouse gas. Therefore, the use of biogas as a fuel can help to mitigate climate change.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the second main component of biogas. It is a colorless, odorless gas that is heavier than air. Unlike methane, carbon dioxide is not combustible and therefore does not contribute to the energy content of biogas.

While carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, its impact on climate change is less than that of methane. However, the capture and use of biogas can still help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is because when biogas is used as a fuel, it replaces the use of fossil fuels, which are a major source of carbon dioxide emissions.

Biogas Upgrading

Biogas upgrading refers to the process of removing impurities and non-methane gases from raw biogas to produce biomethane, a renewable substitute for natural gas. The main goal of biogas upgrading is to increase the methane content of the gas, thereby increasing its energy content and making it suitable for use in natural gas infrastructure.

There are several methods of biogas upgrading, including pressure swing adsorption, water scrubbing, and membrane separation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on factors such as the composition of the raw biogas, the desired purity of the biomethane, and the available resources.

Pressure Swing Adsorption

Pressure swing adsorption is a method of biogas upgrading that involves the use of adsorbent materials to selectively remove impurities from the biogas. The process works by alternating between high and low pressure conditions, hence the name "pressure swing".

During the high pressure phase, the impurities in the biogas are adsorbed onto the surface of the adsorbent material. During the low pressure phase, the adsorbent material is regenerated, allowing it to be used again. The result is a continuous process that can produce high-purity biomethane.

Water Scrubbing

Water scrubbing is another method of biogas upgrading. This process involves the use of water to remove carbon dioxide and other impurities from the biogas. The water and biogas are brought into contact, and the carbon dioxide and other impurities are absorbed into the water.

The water is then regenerated, either by heating or by reducing the pressure, to release the absorbed gases. This allows the water to be reused in the process. The result is a continuous process that can produce high-purity biomethane.

Biogas Utilization

Biogas can be utilized in a variety of ways, depending on its composition and purity. Raw biogas can be used directly for heating or electricity generation, while upgraded biogas, or biomethane, can be used as a renewable substitute for natural gas.

Biogas can be used in a variety of applications, including heating, electricity generation, and transportation. The use of biogas can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy independence, and support rural economies.


One of the most common uses of biogas is for heating. Biogas can be used in boilers and heaters to provide heat for homes, businesses, and industrial processes. The use of biogas for heating can help to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Biogas can also be used in combined heat and power (CHP) systems, which produce both heat and electricity. These systems can achieve high levels of energy efficiency, making them an attractive option for the utilization of biogas.

Electricity Generation

Biogas can also be used for electricity generation. This can be done using a variety of technologies, including internal combustion engines, gas turbines, and fuel cells. The electricity produced can be used on-site or fed into the grid.

The use of biogas for electricity generation can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy independence. In addition, the waste heat produced during electricity generation can be captured and used, increasing the overall efficiency of the process.


Upgraded biogas, or biomethane, can be used as a renewable substitute for natural gas in vehicles. Biomethane can be used in compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles, which are similar to conventional gasoline or diesel vehicles but run on natural gas instead.

The use of biomethane in transportation can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote energy independence. In addition, biomethane is a cleaner-burning fuel than gasoline or diesel, which can help to improve air quality.


The field of biogas production and upgrading is complex, with a wide array of technical terms and concepts. However, with this comprehensive glossary, the world of biogas becomes more accessible and understandable. From anaerobic digestion to biogas utilization, this glossary provides a detailed explanation of the key terms and concepts in the field of biogas.

Biogas is a valuable resource that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy independence, and support rural economies. By understanding the terms and concepts in this glossary, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the potential of biogas and the importance of its role in our energy future.


Biomethane: Biogas Terms Explained


Anaerobic Digestion: Biogas Terms Explained