• Nexus by nvend

Tailored Solutions for Large-Scale Bioenergy and Waste Material Management.

Achieve true locational efficiency and optimize resource use with real-time, data-driven decision making from Nexus.

Trusted by Enterprise Teams at


What Can Nexus Do For Your Enterprise?



Energy - Problem 2 - Data Sets

Smart Feedstock Manager

The Nexus Smart Feedstock Manager continuously analyzes available waste materials and matches them with the best disposal or usage locations. Enterprises can see in real-time where their resources are best allocated, automatically creating optimized routing schedules and calculating the most efficient travel paths.

Government - Solution 1 - Compare Projects

Real-Time Scenario Analysis

Test different operational scenarios in real-time using Nexus. Evaluate how changes in feedstock availability, transportation costs, or energy demand will impact project success, allowing you to make data-driven decisions faster and with greater confidence.

Energy - Solution 2 - Advanced Analytics

Custom Data Solutions

Nexus allows enterprises to tailor all data inputs, combining your internal datasets with Nexus’ market intelligence. You can adapt the platform to prioritize specific materials or project needs, ensuring every decision is backed by accurate, actionable insights.                                                        

Government - Solution 2 - Scope

Advanced Project Evalation Tools

Enterprises can evaluate both in-house developments and potential acquisitions with Nexus. The platform enables comparison across different sites, ensuring that each project is assessed using consistent and standardized metrics, tailored to your business strategy.

Experience the Value of a Customized Nexus



Home - Problem 2 - Uncoordinated Teams

Maximize Locational Efficiency

Nexus continuously evaluates locational data and matches feedstock supply with the best disposal or processing destinations. Enterprises can efficiently allocate resources, minimizing operational costs and improving project feasibility by choosing the most strategic locations.   

Energy - Solution 1 - Unified Data Platform

Sustainability and Cost Reduction

Nexus allows you to track the environmental impact of each decision, from carbon emission reductions to energy production efficiency. By optimizing routes and resource allocation, enterprises not only lower operational costs but also improve their sustainability profile by diverting waste from landfills.

Finance - Solution 1 - Time kills all deals

Streamlined Decision-Making

With real-time data integration and smart scenario testing, enterprises can make faster and more informed decisions. By reducing the reliance on manual data entry and static reports, Nexus enables enterprises to act on opportunities in real-time, ensuring that projects move from planning to execution without delays.

Energy - Solution 3 - Seamless Collaboration

Seamless Team Collaboration

Nexus enhances collaboration across internal teams and external partners by providing real-time data and project updates accessible to all stakeholders. Whether managing multiple projects or coordinating between departments, Nexus ensures everyone is aligned, improving communication and accelerating project timelines.


Nexus Adds Value on Day One.

Let us show you how.

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